About Us

PAC World is a content independent organization with a goal to provide a forum for discussions between protection, automation and control professionals from all over the world. Articles, reports on industry conferences and organization activities, news, opinions and anything else considered of interest to the community will be published in the PACWorld magazine and/or on this web site.
The technical articles focus on developments and application of new protection, automation and control technologies, experiences and analysis of protection operations and local or wide area disturbances. New concepts and results from research activities in universities or other industry institutions are also of interest.

Any material published in the magazine or on the web site is open for discussion by the community in order to expand knowledge on the presented subject or clarify issues that might be of interest to the readers. Highlights of the discussions will be made available by the editors together with responses of the authors.

One of PAC World’s goals is to keep its readers informed on the reports and standards published by leading industry organizations such as IEC (Technical Committees 57 and 95, as well as others when appropriate), CIGRE (Study Committee B5) and IEEE PES (Power Systems Relaying Committee and Substations Committee).  Summaries of completed working group reports or standards may be published as well.

PAC World is also a place for members of the protection, automation and control community to clarify the history of our industry, define its future, share experiences and ideas, learn about each other as human beings and to make new friends.

PAC World
945 McKinney St #11833
Houston, TX 77002 USA

Editor in chief:  Dr. Alexander Apostolov (USA), E-mail: editor@pacw.org

Advisory Board:
Dr. Damir Novosel (USA),  Prof. Peter Crossley (UK),  Prof. Xinzhou Dong (China),  Prof. Paul Lee (Korea),  Prof. Mohindar Sachdev (Canada), Jorge Miguel Ordacgi Filho (Brazil), Rodney Hughes (Australia),
Graeme Thopam (South Africa)

PAC World’s parent company: OMICRON electronics Corp., USA