PES Power System Relaying and Control (PSRC) Committee is responsible for the development of standards, guides and reports covering different aspects of protection and control of electric power systems.

The IEEE PES Power System Relaying, and Control (PSRC) Committee meeting was held 9-12 May 2022 in Reno NV. It was successfully conducted in a hybrid manner, with in-person participation as well as a series of many webcasts for all the Working Group meetings, Subcommittee meetings, and Main Committee meeting. The current slate of PSRC officers includes—Dr. Murty Yalla, Chair; Michael Thompson, Vice Chair: Gene Henneberg, Secretary; and Don Lukach, Standards Coordinator.
As usual the meeting was organized in parallel with the Power Systems Communications and Cybersecurity (PSCC) committee.
A total of 202 attendees participated for the PSRC, including 79 in-person and 123 virtually. The PSRC is striving to eventually return to mainly face to face meetings and will continue to refine its hybrid meeting execution.
Our first PSRC Awards Ceremony took place during the reception dinner on Monday, 9 May 2022. Individual and WG awards were given including:
- PSRC Service Awards for 25, 40 and 50 years of service
- PSRC Career Awards
- Completed WG Awards
This new approach to awards will become part of our normal Monday reception dinner. Future May and September PSRC meetings will feature this awards ceremony, not January JTCM meetings. Participants should take this into consideration when making travel plans for future PSRC meetings and should not miss recognizing or being recognized for the work the committee and fellow PSRC members do throughout the year.
During the awards ceremony it was also announced that the IEEE Fellow Class of 2022 includes the following experts working in the PAC field: Prof. Tianshu BI; Prof. Chul-Hwan Kim; Dr. Mukesh Nagpal
PSRC Young Professional Awards recipients announced at the ceremony were: 2020 Jason Espinoza; 2021 Ritwik Chowdhury
Backlog of pending awards will continue to be delivered in future Awards Ceremonies.
Members of the PAC community are encouraged to become Nominators and nominate an exceptional colleague for elevation to IEEE PES Fellow: If you are a planning to nominate someone and need references, please contact the IEEE Fellows committee chair, (B2/PSCC, A2TF/PSCC), T.W. Cease, who can help connect with IEEE Fellows in the PSRC committee.
The list of IEEE Fellows who are associated with PSRC committee is published on PSRC website:
If you are looking for an endorsement from PSRC committee, please contact the officers of PSRC.
Regarding Standards WG Awards/Certificates: The IEEE Standards Association Working Group Awards procedure to request certificates of appreciation for completed (Approved Standard) work must be initiated online by the WG Chair or Vice Chair. IEEE SA Awards website:
The PSRC main committee meeting took place on Thursday morning and included reports summarizing the work of the multiple working groups from the different subcommittees. It also included Reports of interest such as:
- Technical Paper Coordinator Report: For the 2022 T&D conference and exposition scheduled for April 25-28 in New Orleans, four papers were presented. For the 2022 IEEE PES General Meeting, held July 17-21 in Denver, CO, 14 papers were presented. Reviewing papers for IEEE Transactions and Conferences is a responsibility of all Main Committee Members. The PSRC was featured in a PES mailing with the topic of “Centralized Protection and Control systems within a Substation.”
Please refer to this link for more information:
- Standards Coordinator’s Report: “Standards” include Guides, Recommended Practices, and Standards. There are approximately 31 active PAR projects that also include Joint Committee work. Mandatory IEEE SA Training for all PSRC, Subcommittee, and WG officers has started. IEEE SA Standards Group Chair Fundamentals Training includes Understanding IEEE SA’s Antitrust, Competition, and Commercial Terms Policies.
- NERC Report: Standards developments, SARs on the horizon, Disturbance reports (multiple Solar PV Disturbances in CAISO-April 2022 NERC report), and IBR news were discussed.
The subcommittee reports were followed by two presentations:
- Reviewing the new IEEE C37.250 Guide for Engineering, Implementation, and Management of SIPS –presented by WG C21
- Modeling of generator Controls for Coordinating Generator Relays—presented by WG J13
The next PSRC meeting is scheduled for 12-15 September 2022 in Nashville, TN.
The PSRC continues to recruit additional participants to offer their expertise and knowledge in the areas of power system relaying. Please visit our website at / for an update of ongoing activities

Catherine Dalton is a Strategic AccountExecutive at EPRI. Shehas broad experiencein the electric utilityindustry. She is aSenior Member ofthe IEEE, and anactive participantin IEEE PES PSRC.She has a Master’sdegree in electricalengineering (OhioState University,) and a MBA from the University of Dayton. Previously she workedfor American ElectricPower, Basler Electric,SEL and BeckwithElectric.