Cedric Moors

Cedric Moors received his M.S.E.E. (1998) / PhD (2002) from University of Liege, Belgium. From 1998 to 2002, he took part in the development of a Special Protection Scheme with a well-known TSO from North America. In 2003, he joined the Belgian TSO, Elia, as a protection expert. In 2009, he took the lead of the Asset Performance Analysis department, in charge of analysis of all events happening on the Belgian grid. Since 2012, Cedric has been in charge of the Asset Management Secondary System department, accountable for PAC concepts definition and PAC life cycle management. He is a member of CIGRE B5 Study Committee, where he leads Thematic Group 52 (Protections and Monitoring).
In his spare time Cedric loves playing tennis.
Ameen Hamdon

Ameen obtained a Bachelor of electrical engineering degree in 1988 and began his career as an electric utility SCADA Telecontrol Engineer. Since 2000, Ameen has been President and CEO of SUBNET Solutions Inc. SUBNET provides software solutions and consulting services to electric utilities and other critical infrastructure industries around the world. SUBNET’s offerings provide a comprehensive, vendor agnostic solution for managing and securing the many different intelligent OT devices that are deployed to monitor and control critical infrastructure. SUBNET offerings also help securely integrate the data from these OT devices with mission critical operational control systems (SCADA/ADMS/DCS) and IT business intelligence systems.
Ameen loves sports and, in his leisure, trains and participates in Triathlons.
Massimo Petrini

Massimo received his Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Politecnico di Torino (Turin, Italy) in 1990. He works for Terna, the Italian TSO, where, since 2022, he is Head of Technology Management Support and has been involved in projects dealing with the integration of the components of the HV power grid (overhead lines, cables, new machinery, FACTS, substation automation systems, and so on). He led the teams that developed and managed the PAC systems projects, driving their transition from the electromechanical to the digital technology. CIGRE B5 member since 2005, former B5 Italian Delegate, Massimo has been involved, both as a member and as a convener, in different CIGRE WGs focused on protection, automation and monitoring.
Massimo enjoys traveling to picturesque places around the world.
Jean Raymond

Jean has worked at Hydro-Quebec for more than 31 years, both as a telecom engineer in several divisions of the company and as an engineer responsible for the evolution and long-term development of its transmission and electricity generation systems. He has developed considerable expertise in system reliability over the years. Jean holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Université Laval and a master’s degree and PhD in Electrical Engineering (Telecommunications) from Université Laval, in collaboration with the Defence Research Establishments. He also has nearly a dozen publications to his credit. Jean is an active member of international working groups (IEC, IEEE) and the convener of IEC TC57/AG22, “Prepare for the Future.”
Jean loves the outdoors and when not working, he enjoys traveling to different places