IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Power System Relaying and Control (PSRC) Committee
PES Power System Relaying and Control (PSRC) Committee is responsible for the development of standards, guides and reports covering different aspects of protection and control of electric power systems.
by Catherine Dalton, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Our September 2024 PSRC meeting, which took place in Scottsdale, Arizona, had a successful turnout of 259 participants! Thank you to our meeting sponsors: S&C Electric Company, Arcadis, and NuGrid.
New officers who will start their roles in January 2025 include Gene Henneberg, Chair; Jim Niemira, Vice Chair; and Gary Kobet, Secretary. New Standards Coordinator is Erin Jessup.
PSRC Membership: MemberPlanet, the new Committee Management System, and its implementation is still underway for membership profiles. If you are a member of PSRC and have not yet created your profile, please do so. It is required to update you on PSRC activities and maintain you member status on any roster. If your contact information has changed since you created your profile, please update it.
Please join our LinkedIn page IEEE PES PSRC. The process….1. Log into your LinkedIn account. 2. Search for “IEEE PES PSRC.” 3. Select ‘Groups’ from the header menu. 4. Select “Join.”
IEEE Copyright: You may run across posts on LinkedIn or elsewhere that share IEEE standards documents. If you do, please forward information including any links to the post to infringement @ieee.org to alert IEEE.
IEEE PES Standards Awards-PSRC: Don Lukach was presented with the IEEE PES Technical Committee Distinguished Individual Service Award.
Mark your calendars for the next awards ceremony scheduled May 12, 2025, in Portland, Oregon.
Technical Paper Coordinator Report
The theme of the IEEE 2025 General Meeting, July 27-31, 2025, in Austin, TX is “Achieving Deep Decarbonization in the Electric Power System.” Super Sessions topics include Resource Adequacy and Energy Assurance; Supply Chain Issues and Raw Material Availability; Challenges of Engineering Power System Decarbonization, and New Technologies. PSRC will be presenting several technical papers and hosting tutorials at this event.
The IEEE 2025 Grid Edge Conference & Expo is scheduled January 21-23, 2025, San Diego, CA. Technical papers have been submitted and are currently under review by main committee member volunteers. In addition, PSRC will be hosting a panel on Renewable Energy and Protection Challenges with Kamal Garg as chair.
IEEE PES Report: Call to action: Submit a topic for a PES Webinar. The focus of the webinar can be technical, professional development, or current issues/hot topics in the power industry. This is an opportunity to share recent work in these areas.
Submit a proposal: Submit a Proposal using the following: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/127ee5dbb2044d62bd13bcbb02e5fe57
PES is also working on increasing global visibility for technical committees, a multiyear workforce initiative to increase the value of membership for those seeing new professional opportunities, improving skill sets, supporting STEM education programs and more.
PSRC Subcommittee Updates: All of PSRC’s Subcommittees, H, I, J, K, C, D, are diligently working on numerous Standards, Guides, technical papers, tutorials, webinars, etc. for our industry.
There are numerous approved and active standards projects for the IEEE SC21 and P1547/.X Series, IEEE 2030 Series, as well as identified future standards projects. Please contact Sean Carr, P1547 WG Liaison to PSRC, Galina Antonova, P1547.10 WG Liaison to PSRC, Jens Boemer, SC21 Standards coordinator or Ben Kazimier, PSRC B11 Chair if you are interested in participation.
Recently published P1547 standards projects include:
- IEEE P1547.2-2023 Application Guide to IEEE 1547-2018
- –Guide for application of IEEE 1547-2018 for all DER technologies
- IEEE P1547.3-2023: Guide for Cybersecurity of Distributed Energy Resources Interconnected with Electric Power Systems
- –Guide for Cybersecurity of Distributed Energy Resources Interconnected with Electric Power Systems
- IEEE 1547.9-2022: Guide for Energy Storage System Interconnection
Various other updates were provided including CIGRE B5, by Jonathan Sykes, IEC by Eric Udren, SC21 and 1547 by Ben Kazimier, and Standard Coordinator’s Report by Erin Jessup. Please refer to the PSRC Main Committee Minutes for September 2024 for more details on all these updates.
Future Meetings:
- January 12-16, 2025, PSRC/JTCM–Garden Grove, CA, USA
- May 12-15, 2025, Portland, OR, USA
- September 8-11, 2025; Richmond, VA, USA (tentative)

Catherine Dalton is a Strategic Account Executive at EPRI. She has broad experience in the electric utility industry. She is a Senior Member of the IEEE, and an active participant in IEEE PES PSRC. She has a master’s degree in electrical engineering (Ohio State University,) and a MBA from the University of Dayton. Previously she worked for American Electric Power, Basler Electric, SEL and Beckwith Electric.