Jan Machowski, Zbigniew Lubosny, Janusz Bialek, James Bumby

3rd Edition
Disturbance recording and analysis play a very important role in the lives of protection and control specialists, because they help us better understand the behavior of the electric power system and its components during different types of events, such as short circuit faults, local and wide area disturbances. But understanding what we see in the recorded waveforms requires a lot of experience, as well as a very good knowledge of the fundamentals of electric power system dynamics.
Therefore this 3rd edition of Power System Dynamics: Stability and Control is a book that can be very helpful, especially to the younger members of the PAC community.
The book is a collaboration of Jan Machowski, Full Professor at the Warsaw University of Technology and Zbigniew Lubosny, Full Professor at Gdansk University of Technology from Poland, as well as Janusz Bialek, formerly Professor and James Bumby, formerly Reader at Durham University, UK.
All authors have significant teaching, research and consulting experience, which allows them to approach the presentation of the material starting from the understanding of the underlying physical principles of electric power systems before proceeding to more complex models and algorithms.
The third edition of the book is adapted to reflect the changes in the electric power system, such as the impact of wind farms and virtual power plants. Changes in protection and control, like the applications of wide-area monitoring and control systems are also considered.
The material of the book is presented in 18 chapters, grouped in three parts.
Part I is Introduction to Power Systems and contains three chapters – an introduction to electric power systems, the components – generation, substations, transmission and distribution networks, power system protection and wide area monitoring. Chapter 3 covers the power system in its steady-state., describing the behavior of the different components.
Part II is Introduction to Power System Dynamics. The first chapter in this part focuses on the fundamentals of electromagnetic phenomena, short circuit faults, switching operations and synchronous resonance. The next two chapters describe small and large disturbances as electromechanical dynamics. Chapter 7 is dedicated to wind power, looking at wind turbines, different types of induction generators and wind farms. The next three chapters concentrate on voltage and frequency stability and control, as well as stability enhancement.
Part III covers Advanced Topics in Power System Dynamics. It includes the remaining eight chapters of the book. The first chapter of this part is dedicated to advanced power system modeling, including synchronous generators and excitation systems, wind turbine generator systems and wind farms, photovoltaic power plants, HVDC links and FACTS devices. The following three chapters discuss steady-state stability of multi-machine systems, power system dynamic simulation and stability studies in power system planning. Chapter 15 concentrates on optimization of control system parameters, followed by a chapter on wide area monitoring and control. Chapter 17 analyzes the impact of renewable energy resources on power system dynamics, with the last chapter addressing the reduction of electric power system models using equivalents.
This book is a valuable resource not only for students and young engineers but can also help many experienced specialists that grew up in a world without wind and solar power.
Power System Dynamics:
Stability and Control
Jan Machowski, Zbigniew Lubosny, Janusz Bialek, James Bumby
Publisher: WILEY
Publication Date: February 2020
ISBN: 978-1-119-52636-0