by Catherine Dalton, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
PES Power System Relaying and Control (PSRC) Committee is responsible for the development of standards, guides and reports covering different aspects of protection and control of electric power systems.
We are pleased to announce our new Chair, Michael Thompson, who began his term as PSRC Chair on January 1, 2023. Thank you to Dr. Murty Yalla for his faithful service as Chair for the past two years; it has been an honor for all of us to associate with him. We would like to thank ALL the past chairs who continue to provide mentorship and guidance for all those on the PSRC. Congratulations to all the new officers of the PSRC committee for the term Jan 2023- Dec 2024:
- Chair: Michael Thompson,
- Vice Chair: Gene Henneberg
- Secretary: Jim Niemira
- Standards Coordinator: Don Lukach
PSRC committee is one of the 17 technical committees under the IEEE PES. The scope of the PSRC committee includes principles, application, design, construction, testing, and operation of power system protection and control. Administratively the committee is run by officers who oversee the activities of various subcommittees (System protection, Line protection, Communications and control, Protection and control practices, Rotating machinery protection, and Substation protection).
PSRC committee officers report to PES Technical Council whose membership includes chairs of all 17 PES technical committees and 4 coordinating committees. PSRC committee meets three time per year in January, May, and September at various locations. In addition to generating reports, PSRC committee is responsible for developing and maintaining more than 60 IEEE Standards (including guides and recommended practice documents). The PSRC committee has been in existence for more than 75 years and produced some of the most widely used IEEE standards.
We congratulate the following PSRC members who were inducted into the US National Academy of Engineering in 2022:
- Murty V.V.S. Yalla, For contributions to digital protection and control devices for the grid
- Mladen Kezunovic, For contributions to automated analysis of power system faults, and leadership in education in protective relaying
- Solveig Ward, For contributions to electric power system protective relaying, and new data communication technologies
We congratulate Dr. Norman Fischer, who received the 2022 IEC 1906 Award for his expertise with IEC TC 95–Measuring Relays & Protection Equipment
We celebrate the following new PSRC Main Committee members, thank them for their past contributions and now their real work begins!! Sabastian Billaut, Scott Cooper, Evangelos Farantatos, Derrick Haas, Hilmon Ladner, Benjamin Kazimier, Chase Lockart, Todd Martin, Greg Ryan, and Eric Thibodeau.
We welcome all the new Technical Subcommittee Chairs: Michael Higginson, Meyer Kao, Aaron Martin, Ritwik Chowdhury, Gary Kobet, and Adi Mulawarman.
We welcome Andre Uribe as the new Chair for PSRC’s Awards Working Group and thank Hugo Monterrubio for his tremendous energy and enthusiasm in serving as its chair over the past few years. The next PSRC/PSCC Awards Ceremony will be Monday, May 8, 2023, at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, NV, with the reception starting at 6;30PM.
The pes-psrc.org website has been updated with a clean new look; we thank Rick Gamble for his wonderful support of our website. More information on the activities of the PSRC committee can be found at https://www.pes-psrc.org/
The “Knowledge Base” section of the website contains some of the important reports published by PSRC committee during the past few decades, as well as other important PSRC Procedures. The PSRC Committee has three manuals that govern it:
- Organization and Procedure Manual-covers committee and activities not governed by the IEEE Standards Association
- Policies and Procedures for Standards Development for the PSRC Standards Committee
- Policies and Procedures for Standards Development for the PSRC Standards Committee Working Groups
The January meeting of the PSRC committee was held jointly with the Joint Technical Committee of the IEEE (JTCM) from Jan 9-12, 2023, in Jacksonville, FL. The PSRC meeting was well attended with 149 attending in-person along with 101 attending virtually. PSRC’s Subcommittees are diligently working on numerous Standards, Guides, papers, etc., which will be further described in an upcoming PSRC column.
The next meeting will be:
- 8-11 May 2023 in Las Vegas, NV. USA

Catherine Dalton is a Strategic Account Executive at EPRI. She has broad experience in the electric utility industry. She is a Senior Member of the IEEE, and an active participant in IEEE PES PSRC. She has a master’s degree in electrical engineering (Ohio State University,) and a MBA from the University of Dayton. Previously she worked for American Electric Power, Basler Electric, SEL and Beckwith Electric.