by Catherine Dalton, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Power System Relaying and Control (PSRC) Committee
PES Power System Relaying and Control (PSRC) Committee is responsible for the development of standards, guides and reports covering different aspects of protection and control of electric power systems.

We are pleased to share an update on PSRC’s subcommittees and working groups, who are diligently working on numerous Standards, Guides, papers, etc. for our industry.
Technical Paper Coordinator Report: At the IEEE general meeting in July 2023, 21 papers were accepted. Also, PSRC hosted four panel sessions:
- Integrating Relay Models with RMS Dynamic Simulations – Protection Perspective
- Developing AI/ML applications for power system protection & control – Opportunities and Challenges
- Augmenting power system protection & control – Industry perspectives and case studies of practical AI/ML applications
- New developments to mitigate power line induced wildfire ignitions
Associate Management System: PSRC members should create a new profile on memberplanet. If you haven’t created your profile, please do so. It is required to update you on PSRC activities and maintain voting member status on any roster.
IEEE 1547: Call to action for IEEE PSRC members for IEEE 1547-2018 and 1547.4-2011 Revisions that are underway, and for participation in P1547.10:
Please subscribe to IEEE 1547 Working Group Sub-Groups. Sign-up to the listserver for meeting invitations and discussion. To join the SG1 listserv, send an email message to In first line of email body, write: SUBSCRIBE STDS-P1547REVWG-SG1 <Last, First name>
Standards Coordinator’s Report: PSRC Standards–65 to 70 Standards, 39 Active PARs, 10 PARs due in 2023. These standards impact product designers and manufacturers. Mandatory IEEE SA Training for all PSRC, Subcommittee, and WG officers is underway.
System Protection (C Subcommittee) Report: Standards Projects Status Update – Working groups of the C subcommittee are at different stages of progress on the following standards: C26: C37.233 Guide for Power System Protection Testing/ C38: P2030.12 Guide for Design of Microgrid Protection Systems/ C39: C37.252 Guide for Testing Automatic Voltage Control Systems in Regional Power Grids–/ CTF51: C37.117 Guide for the Application of Protective Relays Used for Abnormal Frequency Load Shedding and Restoration/ C25: Protection of Wind Electric Plants/ C46: C37.242: Guide for Synchronization, Calibration, Testing, and Installation of Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) for Power System Protection and Control/ C48: C37.120 Guide for Protection System Redundancy for Power System Reliability/ CTF51: Investigate revising C37.117, Guide for the Application of Protective Relays Used for Abnormal Frequency Load Shedding and Restoration/ CTF52: Investigate interest in revising C37.246 IEEE Guide for Protection Systems of Transmission-to-Generation Interconnections / CTF53: Investigate the interest in establishing a new WG to develop a AI/ML data collection
Line Protection (D Subcommittee) Report: Working groups of the D subcommittee are working on revisions for C37.113 (Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Transmission Lines, C37,243 (Guide for Application of Digital Line Current Differential Relays Using Digital Communication), and C37.104 (Guide for Automatic Reclosing on AC Distribution and Transmission Lines)./ D29: Tutorial for Setting Impedance-Based Power Swing Relaying on Transmission Lines
Joint survey with C29 Power System Testing Methods for Power Swing Blocking and Out of Step Tripping WG. Contact Normann Fisher ( if you want to participate in the survey/D30: Tutorial on Application and Setting of Ground Distance Elements on Transmission Lines/ D35: Evaluation of Transmission Line Pilot Protection Schemes –Paper ready for D-Subcommittee balloting / D50: Create Summary Report on C37.104 IEEE Guide for Automatic Reclosing for AC Distribution and Transmission Lines
New Task Forces on investigating forming a Working Group on “Line Protection based on Transient Quantities” and on “Distribution Line Protection Practices Industry Survey.”
Rotating Machinery (J Subcommittee) Report: Working groups of the J subcommittee are working on:
J6 Protection Issues Related to Pumped Storage Hydro Units/ J15 Investigation of the Criteria for Motor Bus Transfer/ J18 Investigate the effects of sub-synchronous oscillations due to IBR on rotating machinery protection and control –working group disbanded./ J25 Synchronous condenser protection (report)
WG ballot Fall 202 Four PAR activities:
J16 Revise C37.101 Generator ground protection/ J17 Revise C37.102 AC generator protection: J19 C37.106-2022 published May 2023/ J22 Revise C37.96 Motor protection .
Substation Protection (K Subcommittee) Report: Working groups of the K subcommittee are working on:
K12/Sub I9 – Static Shunt Compensators/ K25 – Shunt Capacitors / K26 – Shunt Reactors/ K27 – Utility-Consumer Interconnections/ K29 – Reducing outage durations/ K31 – Breaker Failure/ KTF32 – Investigate on need for clarification of ungrounded bus protection from bus protection guide.
KTF33 – Investigate on the need for creating protection guide for filter banks.
This information contained herein is from May 2023 meeting. The next meeting of the PSRC committee is scheduled September 18-21, 2023, in Myrtle Beach, SC

Catherine Dalton is a Strategic Account Executive at EPRI. She has broad experience in the electric utility industry. She is a Senior Member of the IEEE, and an active participant in IEEE PES PSRC. She has a master’s degree in electrical engineering (Ohio State University,) and a MBA from the University of Dayton. Previously she worked for American Electric Power, Basler Electric, SEL and Beckwith Electric.