IEEE PSRC Update Industry Updates


by Catherine Dalton, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) 

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The PSRC meeting in January 2024 in New Orleans was a resounding success, with over 256 people attending!

PSRC participation at the upcoming 2024 IEEE T&D Conference 6-9 May in Anaheim, CA will include one 8-hour tutorial, four panel sessions and five conference papers. The tutorial will be on Inverter Based Resource Short circuit modeling by Evangelos Farantatos (chair).  The four panel sessions are:

  • Augmenting traditional utility P&C approach with AI/ML for Solving Challenges for the grid of the Future
  • Wildfire Mitigation for Electrical Power Systems
  • Inverter Based Resource Interconnection and Penetration Issues 
  • Industry Viewpoints on IEC 61850

For PSRC participation at the 2024 IEEE PES General meeting July 21-24, Seattle, WA, PSRC has requested five panel sessions, 39 papers to be reviewed, with an acceptance quota of 19. PES had a banner year with 40 PES members elevated.  The relaying community had six elevated.  Congratulations to the Fellows class of 2024.  They include:

  • Gabriel Benmouyal- for contributions to digital protective relays for power systems
  • Robert Cummings- for leadership in power system disturbance analysis and standardization of power system protection and reliability
  • Normann Fischer- for contributions to fault protection methodologies for electric power grids
  • Herbert Falk- for contributions and leadership in secure, reliable, and interoperable communication of the electric power grid
  • Gene Henneberg- for contributions to electric power system integrity protection schemes
  • Michael Ropp- for contributions to distributed energy resources integration in power systems.

The next PSRC/PSCC awards ceremony will be held in Buffalo NY, May 13, 2024, at 6:30pm at the Hyatt Regency Buffalo Hotel. 

H Subcommittee Report:   Eleven working groups are working on IEEE Standards and seven are generating Technical Reports. With 8 WG’s (5 Standards and 3 reports) about to complete their work this year or early next, the H SC will start a TF to organize ideation sessions to brainstorm and collect ideas around the scope of the H SC for future TFs or WGs.

I Subcommittee Report:  I2 Terminology Review is reviewing terms for non-PAR outputs (e.g., reports, summary papers). 

I26 published a Report on Mathematical Models of Current, Voltage, and Coupling Capacitive Voltage Transformers which is available on PSRC Knowledge Base and PES Resource Center.

Other working groups are working on and finalizing reports and going through balloting. 

I32 is working on a Survey on relay test practices. 

J Subcommittee Report:  J6/JTF28 Protection Issues Related to Pumped Storage Hydro Units is pending verification by SC Chair. Report will be sent to Main Committee Officers. 

Other working groups are working on and going through the balloting process for various standards. 

K Subcommittee Report:  Seven established working groups are working on reports and IEEE Standards, while two task forces are investigating the need for creating new or clarifying existing protection guides. 

C Subcommittee Report:  Fifteen established working groups are working on reports and IEEE Standards, while four task forces are investigating the need for revising existing protection guides and creating a new technical report. 

D Subcommittee Report:  Fifteen established working groups are working on tutorials, reports and IEEE Standards, as well as on a summary paper. Three task forces are investigating the need for creating a new technical report and protection guides. 

Future Meetings: 

  • May 11-18/ 2024, Buffalo, NY, USA
  • September 9-12/ 2024, Scottsdale, AZ, USA


Catherine Dalton is a Strategic Account Executive at EPRI. She has broad experience in the electric utility industry. She is a Senior Member of the IEEE, and an active participant in IEEE PES PSRC. She has a master’s degree in electrical engineering (Ohio State University,) and a MBA from the University of Dayton. Previously she worked for American Electric Power, Basler Electric, SEL and Beckwith Electric.