PES Power System Relaying and Control (PSRC) Committee is responsible for the development of standards, guides and reports covering different aspects of protection and control of electric power systems.

The IEEE PES Power System Relaying and Control (PSRC) Committee meeting scheduled in May 2021 was successfully conducted via a series of many webcasts for all the Working Group meetings, Subcommittee meetings, and Main Committee meeting.
Meeting Statistics: Total Attendees: 441 with 66 new attendees that came from the following 22 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, UAE, UK, USA
There was an important discussion regarding virtual vs. face to face meetings in the future. Officers will be considering virtual/in person meeting combinations. A survey will be sent to PSRC participants regarding their preferences. A decision will be made based on the survey and other IEEE/CDC guidelines for in person meetings.
Reports of interest:
Technical Paper Coordinator Report: For the 2021 IEEE PES General Meeting, July 25-29, which is taking place virtually, 23 papers were received for the paper session, and 11 were accepted. For the panel sessions, PSRC will be sponsoring two sessions:
- The first is Protection challenges with high penetration of Inverter Based Resources (IBRs) – Part I: Transmission System
- The second is Protection challenges with high penetration of Inverter Based Resources (IBRs) – Part II: Distribution System.
Reviewing papers for IEEE Transactions and Conferences is a responsibility of all Main Committee Members.
Standards Coordinator’s Report: “Standards” include Guides, Recommended Practices, and Standards
- Training was provided at the Standards Coordinator Meeting on topics that generate many questions and conversations. Topics included Copyrights & Patents, P&Ps, Word Usage, Cosponsored (Joint Committee) PARS, and Entity PARS
- About 40 active PAR projects that also include the Joint Sponsor work
- Summary information on our PARs can be found in the Main Committee Minutes and in the IEEE SA myProject system
IEEE P2800 Update: Standard for Interconnection & Interoperability of Inverter-Based Resources Interconnecting with Associated Transmission Electric Power System
- The P2800 SA Initial Ballot recently closed; the public review closed May 9 ( [])
- The Initial Ballot was successful with a 79% response rate (>75% was required) and a 84% approval rate (>75% was required) The high approval rate in the Initial Ballot is an encouraging signal that suggests IEEE P2800 may be published within the anticipated timeline towards the end of 2021.
- The Comment Resolution Group (CRG) is reviewing and resolving the Initial Ballot comments and create the Recirculation Draft (Draft 6.1). The CRG will consult and request approval from the WG after each step of the IEEE-SA ballot resolution, i.e., prior to the recirculation
PSRC Technical Subcommittee Updates: PSRC’s subcommittees have been working diligently. These subcommittees include: Advisory, System Protection, Line Protection, Relaying Communications, Relaying Practices, Rotating Machinery Protection, and Substation Protection subcommittees. The Advisory committee continues to strengthen PSRC awareness by preparing technical articles as may be required for the promotion of technical committee working group activities about the art of relaying, and the work of the PSRC.
Each PSRC technical subcommittee has numerous working groups that are working on new and existing standards and guides. Updates on their status will be published in the September issue of the magazine.
Working groups, task forces and subcommittees will meet again in September 2021. The PSRC continues to recruit additional participants to offer their expertise and knowledge in the areas of power system relaying.
Please visit our website at: / for an update of ongoing activities.

Catherine Dalton is a Strategic AccountExecutive at EPRI. Shehas broad experiencein the electric utilityindustry. She is aSenior Member ofthe IEEE, and anactive participantin IEEE PES PSRC.She has a Master’sdegree in electricalengineering (OhioState University,) and a MBA from the University of Dayton. Previously she workedfor American ElectricPower, Basler Electric,SEL and BeckwithElectric.