Conference Reports News

2020 IEEE PES General Meeting – Virtual

2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting was held 3-6 August 2020 in Montreal, Canada.

The vent was supposed to be held 2-6 August 2020 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada with Hydro Quebec as the Host Utility. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic was switched from a face-to-face to a virtual conference using the ON24 Webinars platform.

Over two thousand electric power system professionals from all over the world gathered in the cloud to present their latest developments and discuss the challenges that our industry faces. The first day of the conference started with tutorials and panel sessions and ended with a welcome reception at the Georgia Aquarium.

The program included a wide variety of virtual events, many of them of interest to the protection, automation and control community. The main conference program started with the PES Members Meeting chaired by Frank Lambert, IEEE PES President.

It was followed by a Plenary Session chaired by Dr. Jessica Bian, President-Elect of the IEEE PES.

Many IEEE PES committees also held their meetings in parallel to the conference.

The program of the conference included multiple parallel sessions and other events, such as panel sessions, transactions papers sessions, poster sessions and best paper sessions. Conference attendees had exclusive access to 400 hours of conference material generated from IEEE PES Technical Committees and their working groups.

The Super Sessions included series of presentations in composite sessions dedicated to a topic of significant importance and discussed from different perspectives. The Late Breaking News Super session discussed the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the electric power industry. The Panel Sessions included invited papers on different subjects, mostly focused on topics related to the theme of the conference. Selected high quality papers were presented at paper sessions and paper forums.

A special panel session was hosted by IEEE PES Women in Power and focused on the role of women in powering sustainable development.