The 2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting was held 16-20 July 2023 in Orlando, USA. The Hyatt Regency Hotel in Orlando was the conference venue.
The theme of the event this year was “Meeting the energy needs of a dynamic world.”
The conference was a forum for thousands of electric power systems professionals from all over the world to present their latest developments and discuss the challenges that our industry faces. The first day of the conference started with tutorials and panel sessions and ended with a welcome reception for all participants.
The main conference program started with the PES Members Meeting followed by an Opening Plenary Session panel moderated by Shay Bahramirad, IEEE PES President-Elect. Many IEEE PES committees also held their meetings at the same time and location.
The program of the conference included many parallel events, such as panel sessions, transactions papers sessions and best paper sessions. The Super Sessions included series of presentations in composite sessions dedicated to a topic of significant importance such as communications, cybersecurity and DERs integration. The Panel Sessions included invited papers on different subjects, mostly focused on topics related to the theme of the conference. Selected high quality papers were presented at paper sessions and paper forums. A Monday evening Poster Session was a traditional special event when hundreds of authors presented in an interactive environment their papers covering all aspects of the industry. At the same time participants had an opportunity to stop in and discuss with the candidates for IEEE officers during the reception held in their honor positions and their visions for the future.
Tuesday evening was the Awards dinner and ceremony where IEEE and PES award winners were honored for their outstanding achievements. Wednesday’s program ended with a joint networking reception hosted by IEEE PES Women in Power and Young Professionals.