CIGRE B5 website is now available to the members of the protection, automation and control community. It provides valuable information in the several sections of the website.
From the main page the user can reach several different areas.
About SC B5 provides information about the Regular Members, Distribution expert members and Observer Members. It also shows the structure of SC B5, and describes the roles of the Strategic Advisory Group (SAG), the Tutorial Advisory Group (TAG) and three Strategic Thematic Groups (TG) specialized in Substation and Automation, Protection and Monitoring, and New Network Requirements, respectively.
The Mission, Technological field of activity and Scope are also covered in this section.
The section on Technical activities includes the list of the working groups that are active at any moment in time and provides the WG number, title, nationality of the Convener and the Terms of Reference (ToR).
The Strategic Plan 2019-2028 is also available as a PDF file in this section together with the Annual reports from the last 5 years. The Events section provides an event calendar including information about CIGRE B5 and other related events.
The Publications section includes a list of published technical brochures from 2006 until today.
The website is available at