Conference Reports News

CIGRE Session 2024

The CIGRE Session 2024 was held in the Palais de Congres dе Paris (Congress Palace) in Paris, France 25 – 30 August 2024. More than 4500 international participants attended the conference. 

The conference started with the Opening Ceremony where participants were welcomed by the CIGRE president. During the next five days the 16 Study Committees organized Workshops, Tutorial, Poster session and General Discussion Meetings.  

More than 1200 persons attended the SC B5 Protection and Automation Poster Session Monday 26th of August, where about 100 of the SC B5 papers were discussed. 

SC B5 had their General Discussion Meeting Tuesday 27th of August where about 870 persons attended. For the preferential subject PS1 of SC B5, Practical experiences and new developments of process bus, 40 contributions were presented. The preferential subject PS2 of SC B5, Acceptance, commissioning, and field testing for protection, automation and control systems, had 58 contributions.

About 300 participants took part in the tutorial of SC B5 on Wednesday 28th of August was entitled Protection of the power system with high penetration of Renewable Energy Sources.

Two papers have been nominated from SC B5 to be published in CIGRE Science & Engineering (CSE), Paper 11112 “Using process bus over substation boundaries with multi-vendor line differential protection” and paper 10263 “Testing approach for Rte’s R#SPACE Protection Automation and Control System.”

The main social event of the CIGRE Session was the Reception at the “Pavillons de Bercy.