The event was held from 21 to 24 October 2024 in Spokane, WA, USA. The annual Western Protective Relay Conference 2024 was held at the Spokane Convention Center in Spokane. The conference is organized by Washington State University as an educational forum for specialists in the electric power systems protection and control industry which allows them to network and discuss the many issues of interest. It attracts participants from many countries from around the world, but predominantly from the United States and North America.

The papers accepted by the technical committee covered a wide range of topics such as protection applications and considerations with the introduction of the IBR’s to the latest solutions for wildfire mitigation, deployment of digital secondary systems, application of traveling waves, and new communication technologies. The conference covered everything from the traditional focus on generation, transmission, and distribution to new developments in distributed generation, battery energy storage systems, and microgrids. As usual the papers were presented in ten sessions – two general and eight parallel. The program also included the third parallel Fundamentals track, intended to help young specialists to learn about different protection and control related topics.
The Keynote speaker at this year’s conference was Joshua Park from Southern California Edison (SCE) who talked about “SCE’s Countdown to 2045.”
After the end of the paper sessions the participants visited the vendor exhibits to become familiar with the latest developments in electric power systems protection and control technologies.