The 77th Annual Georgia Tech Protective Relaying Conference was held 24-26 April 2024 at the Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center, Atlanta, USA. The two and a half days conference brought together protection and control specialist from utilities, manufacturers, consultants, and some academics.
The conference program included presentations of the papers selected by the technical committee mostly in parallel sessions. The presented papers were an interesting mix of discussions of many traditional protection topics and issues related to the development and implementation of new protection and communication technologies.
The impact of inverter based distributed energy resources on protection and control, digital substations using IEC 61850 and IEC 61869-9, as well as centralized substation protection were also discussed.
The conference lunch on Thursday was preceded by a Keynote presentation “Protecting, Partnering, and Performing” by Samuel Chanoski, Idaho National Laboratory.
The last session of the conference as usual was Real World Experiences which provided a forum for presenters to share protection related events in areas of operations, lessons learned, best practices and information on unique events.
After the end of the paper sessions, the participants in the conference visited the exhibition areas and the numerous hospitality suites to meet with manufacturers’ specialists and discuss the latest protection, automation and control devices, systems, and tools.