ISGT NA 2024 was held 19-22 February 2024 at the Grand Hyatt Washington in Washington DC, USA.
The event was sponsored by the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES), and the theme for this year was “Innovations for a Decarbonized Resilient Grid.”
This theme reflects the fact that the electric power system is continuing the process of a fundamental transformation resulting from the dramatic increase in deployments of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), the evolution of artificial intelligence-based technologies, increase in adoption of smart loads, advances in communications technologies, regulatory changes and the emergence of new business models and grid services.

The technical program of the conference was preceded by five half-day tutorials on topics related to the conference theme.
The conference program included five plenary sessions and multiple panel sessions in parallel tracks with presenters from electric utilities, regulators, technology providers, academia, the national laboratories, and both federal and state governments.
Part of the program was also an Innovation Tech Talk “Navigating the Energy Transition”, as well as a plenary session on PES Workforce Need for Equitable and Resilient Energy Transition.
The first day concluded with a poster session, where the authors of the accepted papers had a chance to discuss them with conference attendees.
The coffee and lunch breaks, as well as the reception during the poster session provided multiple networking opportunities.