At DistribuTECH on Monday, 23rd May 2022, Intel hosted the annual “Utility Solution Builders” dinner event. Over 100 executives from Utilities and Ecosystem Partners gathered to hear Smart Grid creators, implementors, and solution integrators discuss the future of digital substations in lively Utility and OEM panels.

They explored digital grid innovation, including substation automation and virtual protection systems, as well as learned how the adoption of data-centric technologies improves grid reliability, safety and security, all while reducing operational and maintenance costs.
The opening keynote was delivered by Craig Preuss, the IEEE PES Power System Communications and Cybersecurity committee chairman, on digitalization of the electric power system and the importance of and progress on relevant standards.
The two panels that followed provided the perspectives of the utilities and the solution providers. The Utility Panel consisted of executives from Southern California Edison, Salt River Project and Southern Company, and was moderated by Herb Falk, representing EPRI. The Ecosystem Partner Panel consisted of speakers from Dell Technologies, VMWare, ABB, Kalkitech and Black & Veatch, and the discussion was guided by Intel’s Prithpal Khajuria.
The final Call to Action was carried by Mike Bates, Intel’s Global General Manager for Energy.