Conference Reports News

CIGRE Session 2022

After two years of virtual events due to the pandemic the CIGRE Session 2022 was held as an in-person event in the Palais de Congres de Surveys е Paris (Congress Palace) in Paris, France from 28 August to 2 September 2022. 

The official opening ceremony was held on Sunday, 28 August and included a keynote presentation and a panel session. This was followed by a welcome reception – the first social meeting opportunity for all delegates and their guests.

This year’s program included SC B5 tutorial on “Constrains and implementation of wide area protection” and was attended by hundreds of delegates.

Tuesday to Friday the main events in the program were multiple study committees Discussion Meetings arranged in parallel sessions each day, running also in parallel with Poster Sessions.

The B5 session was focused on the following preferential subjects:

  • PS 1: Addressing Protection Related Challenges in Network with Low-Inertia and Low Fault-Current levels
  • PS 2: Applications of Emerging Technology for Protection, Automation and Control
  • PS 3: Integration of Intelligence on Substations (Common PS with B3)

The Technical Exhibition was open for the participants and included hundreds of exhibitors, representing the leading global suppliers in our industry.

The main social event of the CIGRE Session was the Reception at the “Pavillons de Bercy.”