Grid innovations and digital transformation at power substations are accelerating the energy transition for global utilities By Mital Kanabar, GE Grid Solutions – Grid Automation, and...
Issue 064 June 2023
Cover Art
Cover Story
Featured Articles
Ensuring the Stability of the Belgian Grid with a System...
by Rodolphe Hanuise and Cedric Moors, Elia Engineering, and Fernando Calero, Milind Malichkar, and Eliseo Alcazar, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. USA Elia is a transmission system operator...
Combining Engineering Asset Management, Reliability and...
A New Way to Approach the Uncertainty and the Complexity of Future Grid Design by Jean Raymond, and Dragan Komljenovic, Hydro-Québec, Canada Modern power grids are transforming into highly...
Automated Vulnerability Management for the Power Grid
by Andreas Klien, OMICRIN electronics, GmbH, Austria This article addresses the challenges of vulnerability management in the power grid, specifically the inadequate detection of security...
Implementation of an Advanced Remote Engineering Platform (AREP)
By Ameen Handon, SUBNET Solutions Inc., Canada, and Indrek Kunnapuu, Elektrilevi OU, Hando Luus, Eesti Energia AS, and Rene Voog, Enefit Connect OU, Estonia The Estonian Distribution System Operator...
Experience concerning availability and reliability of Digital...
By Massimo Petrini, Terna, Italy and Rannveig S. J. Loken, Statnett, Norway Digital Substation Automation Systems (DSAS), with some form of communication facility on station or bay level, have...
Good ideas wrecking projects
by Fred Steinhauser, OMICRON electronics GmbH, Austria We receive so much news about failing projects that we might ask if there are any which are accomplished according to plan at all. Still today...
Editorial – Issue 064 June 2023
Improving Grid’s Security, Reliability and Efficiency by Alex Apostolov, Editor-in-Chief We live in a world that heavily relies on a stable, secure, and efficient supply of electricity...
Last Word
Integration of Artificial Intelligence
by Alex Apostolov, USA The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into electric power systems is transforming the way we manage and maintain reliability in these systems. AI, through...
The Guru
Interview with PAC World guru Costas Vournas from Greece
PAC World: When and where were you born? C.V.: I was born in the city of Patra in Western Greece (200 km from Athens). I have few memories from Patra as a baby, but I have visited the city many...
Testing Technology in the 1960s (Part 2)
by Walter Schossig, Germany, and Thomas Schossig, OMICRON electronics GmbH, Austria In the last issue we covered interesting stories on the testing in the 1960s. Let’s continue our journey in...